Wlady Ortiz
Wlady Ortiz Ecuador
Over 15 years ago, founder and director of Ecuador Eco Adventure, Wlady Ortiz, returned to his native land Ecuador, with a goal to share the natural beauty of his country while allowing communities and individuals to benefit from sustainable and intelligently practiced tourism. At that time Ecuador was a severely struggling economy in crisis.
Wlady decided to dedicate himself to his country and his passion for sharing with others, and went on to study for his license in
international tourism.
As an avid nature lover, family man, and talented singer/musician, Wlady Ortiz has created a program that creates a significant impact on over 25 communities all over Ecuador. He is that guy that seems to know everyone, anywhere you go with him, as well as spotting in the most
random instances rare birds for which he always has an eye for.